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    • #4935

      Haha.. thanks lucy.. love you u and love epic win.. Satu hari, i will trust epic win more than myself.

    • #4931

      Considering my username was Jaaa,

      I thought my first post should be WHY Superman, above all others, has the pride of being my favourite character, and why exactly “I wish I was Superman”.

      Let me start with pointing out the level of my obsession. There are photos around of me, as a small child (I’m thinking around the 4 or 5 year old mark) wearing a red cape, while playing with my sister. I’m also sure there are photos where in my mind I was being Superman, wearing said red cape, some red undies (on top of my clothes, of course!), and for some unknown reason yellow gumboots and yellow goggles (they were Batman goggles of all things). This wasn’t uncommon attire for me as a child, according to stories by my family. Don’t ask me why I had the goggles on. The logic of small children doesn’t always make sense upon reflection.

      The only reasons was

      THE POWER!!!!! – Throughout his time, this has changed considerably – up and down, leaping tall buildings to inter-galactic flight… the list goes on how he’s been powered up (and down) throughout the ages. But again, the amount of power (and number of powers) he wields is something anyone would be impressed by. There are those stronger, those who “out power” him due to the nature of their powers, and there is even gods. But the power to accomplish almost anything, the power to protect yourself and friends and family, to help others in an almost unlimited way always appealed to me.


    • #4917


      I choose the flash. Because nobody can hurt him because him super fast even a bullet surrender with him -jaaa

    • #4916

      I choose the flash. Because nobody can hurt him because him super fast even a bullet surrender with him